If you’re advertising for technicians for an Australian automotive workshop, chances are you’ve had people from overseas apply (and probably not enough Aussies to go along with them!). If you’re lucky you might even have had some gold come in, with a technician abroad that has impressive experience or qualifications that would be perfect for your team.
If you’re patient and prepared to invest some time into finding out more, you might then get in touch with this candidate across a time zone difference and interview them for a position. However, we’re told this is where it often starts to unravel for most, as questions about the job itself (easy to answer) are soon replaced by how it’s possible for this person to start (hard to answer), and moving forward becomes a minefield.
From that point, simply hiring a migration agent may not be the solution either, as they are seldom positioned to answer the candidate’s very understandable concerns, which likely centre around healthcare, schooling, income, cost of living, relocation, accommodation and more. They might be great at filing an accurate and dependable visa application, but answering these questions isn’t in the agent’s job description any more than it’s in yours. We know that because we are migration agents, and we’ve worked in automotive!
Furthermore, even if a visa is then approved, how can you be sure your new technician (and perhaps their family) understands how to successfully establish themselves here on the other side of the world, allowing you to benefit from their best work?
That’s where Techs On The Move presents an alternative. Our clients have long understood that when we’re presenting a candidate for your consideration, that candidate has benefited from hours of specialist consultancy and personalised educative content on what they can expect in moving to Australia. Our candidates aren’t just highly skilled and professionally vetted, they’re individually preparedfor making the commitment to relocate, making the process of hiring them not only much easier, but also much more likely to succeed.
As auto-specific Registered Migration Agents, we’re also a 1-stop-shop to make it happen from initial intro to swinging spanners.
We’re also happy to apply these same preparation processes to any candidates you might unearth overseas yourself, ensuring that you’re able to get the most out of the fruits of your own advertising, staff referrals or direct enquiry. All you need to do is let us know and we’ll make that side of your business much easier.
To find out more please contact our lead candidate consultant Nat Richards on 0429468754 or at [email protected]